Saturday, November 13, 2010

Some Things Never Change

Despite the shifting medium, one writer at The Atlantic feels that the elements that make a good publication will always be the same.

The 12 Timeless Rules for Making a Good Publication


  1. Great article, and so true!

    -- Heather Walrath

  2. I really resonate with #3. As a copyeditor, I've become less and less heavyhanded in terms of editing out an author's voice to conform to a Strict Grammarian's Unyielding Rules.

    In many of the articles I edit now, I see newfangled words, Internet-related terms, and the like, and it's a constant struggle to figure out what the standard should be:

    **e-mail vs. E-mail (Webster's has a strange take on this)
    **e-reader vs. E-reader
    **website vs. Web site
    **cyberwars vs. cyber wars

    ...and so on and so forth...
