Monday, September 13, 2010

Focusing Strategies

I recently read an article on Gawker about how people have diminishing attention spans and focus. What I read of it was pretty interesting, and I think it is relevant regarding what we discussed tonight in class about how we read now. It also offers different strategies to improve. I thought the best part of the article was that it begins by saying, "Most people who click on this article won't finish reading it." Unfortunately they were right about me, I did not finish it.


(For some reason, my user name is from a project I did in school a couple years ago- disregard that!)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article, Carrie. I think that the prevalence of information on the Internet, iPhones, etc., has definitely made focusing more difficult, but I also think those issues have always existed. For example, even as a print journalism student, my fellow students and I struggled to find strategies that might increase the likelihood that readers would go on past the jump in a story or actually take more than a minute or two to just skim through the paper.

    And I hear you about the user name issue. :) Mine is related to the wedding blogging I do, which makes a lot of sense in those forums, but probably looks completely ridiculous here!

    -- Heather Walrath
